I'm happy to report that things are still going great since my last post. I think there have been two days that I wasn't able to be in the pool even if just for a short time. Some days I over do because I forget and think I'm superwoman in there and pay for it after. It's still a good thing. My back is getting stronger and stronger. I can actually tell. I do all the things they taught me at Aquatic Therapy and then I swim laps. I'm back riding my recumbent bike occasionally too. I greatly prefer swimming over riding especially since I can't swim during winter months and the bike is aways available. It's also fun to just get in and relax. I had another friend over this past week. Perfect timing for a mother whose daughter just got married, teaching done until August and she's had some traveling to do during this wedding planning. She said what I always say, "I'm gonna be waterlogged". We got in around 10:30 and got out for lunch around 1. We made a scrumptious salad and went back in. It was after 4 before we knew it.
I've been able to cut back once again on my pain meds and making it until late morning before I even need to turn on my stimulator. I don't stall because it doesn't help but because if I'm ok without it I can tolerate the length of stimulation longer. Sometime late at night you just get to the point that you can't stand it a minute longer. It can actually feel a relief for a short time when you first turned it off.
Speaking of the stimulator, I finally took the time to charge my battery. It was replaced on May 8th and I didn't charge for the first time until June 6th. Big mistake. It still had half life left but to my surprise it took two hours to charge. I'll never let it get that low again. The longest its ever taken me is one hour. It's much easier to take time more often and charge less time. I believe based on this experience I could go up to two months if I wanted without charging but I'd never let it get that low or want to chance having to charge that long.
I'm an example of never giving up. So many times I've thought I was having another procedure for no reason. I've been knocking on the wood of our deck that things are finally working like they are supposed to. I pray in continues. I'm sure Mr. R is surprised he hasn't heard from me. It's soooo nice not to feel my battery tugging and pulling the way it was.
My hives seemed to be controlled again. Every few days and they always come in clusters. The days seem to be farther apart though. I'm counting on getting back to that "remission" I was in some 6 months or so ago.
You know I can't wrap this up without a picture or two of my lovely grandchildren. My boy P had to go for a follow up appointment with the eye doctor last Tuesday. Unfortunately he needed glasses. An astigmatism in both eyes. Poor baby. Handsome as ever though. He's tolerating as well as can be expected for a child with sensory issues.
And A made a surprise visit on Saturday evening. Her mom got a ticket to the LSU BB game at the last minute. So she made the almost 2 hour drive here to bring A to visit and get to the game just in time. My husband and I had plans to go to dinner and decided to keep them. A is a well behaved girl and I knew she'd love going out to eat. They had a band playing and she loved the music. She absolutely entertained us through out our entire meal. Including dancing. She was not embarrassed at one bit.
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outside Superior Grill |
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A and Poppa as we were leaving |
When we left this particular restaurant that was just a few blocks from our "old home". We didn't tell A we were going to pass by. We turned on the entrance street and she commented that this is where Nonna and Poppa used to live. Amazed she remembers that and we hadn't even turned onto street we lived on.
Now you know I love Dollar Tree. Every time I go there for only one thing I walk out with ten. I honestly need, not want, them all. These little treasures look cute on my fence by the pool. I plan to go to another because the one by me is very small and I'd like to see if they have some others to choose from. I only picked up three and once I placed them along fence I think a few more would look great.
Metal sunshines for the fence along side of pool. |
Old Family Phone |
One of my followers "Janet" is at one week from her SCS implant. Sounds like she is doing well. But like myself worries that others think she should be running a marathon by now. If you've been through ANY type of surgery your body needs rest after no matter what. Agree you need to move as soon as doctor says so but that doesn't mean cooking and cleaning house. It means getting out of the bed and moving around. Take care Janet and keep updating me. I'm praying for a huge success for you and hope our other "pain" friends are too. By the way, what type of stimulator do you have?
God Bless, still living with H.O.P.E.
Therefore we do not lose heart.
Though outward we are wasting away ,yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and monetary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
2 Corinthians 4;16-18
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