On the Friday before Thanksgiving I had the honor of going to my grandson's first movie at the big theater. Sorry, it didn't leave a good enough impression on me to tell you the name but watching P watch the movie was very entertaining. Mommy got him some popcorn and even if he didn't just love the movie, he sure loved his popcorn. He sat in his chair through 75% of the movie then he sat with mommy. I did ok my self. I made sure I took some pain medicine before we left and I brought along my back cushion. ( I've had this particular one for at least 6 years I can remember) I never took it out of my car so it would always be there. In my joy of the movie ending, I took P's hand and we started down the steps. Never once thought about my back cushion until being dropped off at my car. Oh boo, this is not good. My dear daughter got right on the phone to see if anyone found it or it was in lost and found. No luck. Oh well, you live and you learn. I have others but this one was perfect for the car and bringing it restaurants.
After my daughter dropped me off I had to go inside Albertson's to pick up an RX. I needed to do a little shopping but between my back and some minor breathing/chest pain I headed right back to the car after paying for the RX. I could feel a stomach ache coming on also.
Driving to the house I was day dreaming about the movie, P, my ailments and the thought of making it home with this stomach ache. Not even a quarter of a mile from my house is a middle school that I just cruised through still day dreaming. I hear this loud scream that I suddenly realize that it was directed at me. OMG, I'm in front of the school between 2-4! Seriously, I'm so aware of the school and the hours of reduced speed. I just had a moment, no excuse.
There was no way to just turn around. I turned down my street, backed out back on the main hwy and went back. When I turned in where the state trooper was I apologized and told him I was feeling ill and just lost track of where I was. I explained that I lived less than a mile from where we were but before I could even finish he said, "YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER THEN". I mentioned that I could have kept going but I was honest and I came back but he had an answer for that also. OH I HAD YOU HE SAID, I WOULD HAVE FOUND YOU ANYWAY. Sitting there waiting seemed liked forever. Finally he handed me the ugly ticket and I took it with tears in my eyes and headed home with head hanging down. Darn, I lost my pillow AND I got a ticket. This stinks! Oh well, on to Thanksgiving. I'll deal with it after. I've yet to call and find out what I owe :-{
D and I did most of our cooking ahead of time. On Wednesday I made my first pecan pie. I've done a lot of baking in my day but a pie I had not. It sure looked good after it cooled down and turned out it taste great too! I also made some Nutella cookies. Oh gosh they are so addicting. Before going to bed I put the broccoli casserole together so it could just be pulled out and baked, then ready to go. D took care of the turkey. Started brining several days before and the poor bird was in the oven at 5am. While it was cooking he made the stuffing. We loaded the car and went to my daughters home in a small town 25 minutes away.
It was a small quite Thanksgiving. My mom was with friends. My brother with his wife's family and my husbands family was spread out visiting out of state relatives. I've had Thanksgiving at my house for several years now for dinner. It was nice to come home and my house like I left it and just a small amount of left overs. Stating that day was the first temptation to go back to bad habits. Snacking between meals and eating larger meal than my tummy is used to. I've still been weighing every Monday and until two days after Thanksgiving was under my last weight posted by three pounds. Now I've broke even so to speak. Time to get serious again. I kind of let Thanksgiving pour over into the week end.
My daughter and my wonderful son in law |
Poppa carving the bird |
P with his turkey shirt |
Thanksgiving and Beignets weren't enough A and I had to make oatmeal cookies today. I better watch it before I get in trouble. I'm going to be a good girl this week and eat well and make sure I exercise no matter what.
Even though she was not ready to go home, A was happy to see her mommy and maw maw when we finally made it to meet them. We ran into traffic we were not expecting. As soon as I approached the interstate boom, dead still. We crawled until we were over the bridge and reached Hwy 415.
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so tired! |
This coming week full of special days. Tomorrow my hubby and I's anniversary, Wednesday-Hubby's birthday, Friday-my mom's birthday. I'll try not to wait so long to write again. A dear friend checked in on me a week or so back. She likes quotes like me and ran one by me I needed to hear. I'll pass it along.
. "When you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill.
You bet I will.
Fighting back, Theresa
1 comment:
Love this post. Been missing them. I've been so busy I haven't posted in a good while. Aubrey is so pretty. Glad you got your time. Love the quote!!!!! Chin up buttercup
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