I could never tell you enough to help you understand how we all ( family ) got here to this point that we have limits and boundaries of what we can do to help him. His car was broke down in town and he knew it was bad. I know he had no where else to turn if he was calling on her. I was sitting with my husband enjoying a cup of coffee on this quite but erie day. I woke up with a strange feeling that I would hear from him this day. I'd stop texting....even the prayers. Anger and risen again and the little devil on my shoulder told me to stop wasting my time. I didn't even know if he was reading them. Obviously he had nothing to say to me. My therapist said there was nothing wrong with me just leaving him alone and let him work it out. Maybe that's why you don't hear from him she told me. Maybe he just wants to be left alone.
He asked my daughter to come and get him please. She called me on the way and filled me in. She was struggling with the idea of having to tell him she could not bring him home with her. She had some options for him but staying with her, her husband and son was not one of them. She was upset to deliver this news to her homeless brother. I told her how much I understand and it made me so sad and relieved at once. Sad for her because I'd been in this spot many times before and relieved he didn't call me. Once she made it to him and went over his options they took care of a couple of things and she brought him to Hammond where my mom meet her and he went home with her. He stayed that night with my brother and his family then two nights at my moms. I had his car towed to our mechanic who informed me on Monday it was bad news. Timing chain or possibly even the engine. Neither of which did he do at his shop. To many hours and not enough man power. So it had to be towed again to a place he recommended. As of today no word on it. They told me it could take up to two weeks before they even started on it. He is now at his dad's place in Bogalusa, LA. He'll be there until his car is fixed and then he says he's coming back here. We've all tried convincing him to stay there where he has help, get a job and get back on your feet then come back to Baton Rouge when you can afford a place to stay. When you can support yourself and your daughter.
The same day we heard from him I had started feeling pretty bad with some allergy/sinus stuff. By Tuesday I'd given in to seeing the doctor. The rest of the week I still felt fatigued mentally and physically. It wasn't until over this past weekend did I start to feel a little better.
I was thinking I was going to have to go back.
My granddaughter came on Saturday. We stopped off at the library and checked out some books. It was a very cold day and we were happy to stay inside. Nice and warm, both of us fighting a cough and allergies. On Saturday evening my daughter came with P to visit his cousin and her and I just get to chill and catch up. We had a nice visit. It was the best part of my entire week. The only good part!
With everything going on with my son, the cold and some other family problems my back seemed to feel the stress of it all too! Not to mention the several long car rides I took during during the week. The first day I used the patch I mentioned in last post really seemed to help my back for up to 2-3 hours. Supposed to be up to 12. But hey I'm excited about what i get. No luck for helping my battery, I think there is only one solution for that and I'll delay as long as I can. The good news about them is I found out my insurance covers it. Thank goodness. Shelf price $300 for a box of 30. Outrageous huh? My copay will be $50 but with all the others it starts to add up.
I haven't called and asked for a prescription just yet. I went and bragged about being hive free for 3 months. Had them for 3 years, off 3 months and WHAM here they are again! I'm wondering if it could possible be the patches. I doubt it, but I'm having trouble excepting they are back to stay. I've laid off the patches a few days to see if they go away. Ugh, it was so nice for them to be gone, they are so annoying.
So here's to a new and better week. Seriously it can't be worse than last week even though it didn't start so hot this Monday. A phone call from my brother regarding my mother has the anxiety level right back up there. I'm going to get through this week and take what comes over the week end as we are supposed to get together to work with my mom to resolve some issues. I wish I could just run away and hide and relax this week end. I'm sure we all do at times in our life. Nice thought, but when the going gets tough, the tough try harder. What I striving for.
Happy Birthday Karen. I hope your day was especially nice.
Thank you to all my friends checking in on me and being so understanding for so long. I'm not my old self, but trying very hard to get back there. The end of April my husband and I are getting out of Dodge and heading to the beach for a long week end. I can't wait. I need it NOW!
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never a dull moment! |
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primping :-) |
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refusing to smile...little stink <3 |
A gift to a child is the gift of a parent's listening ear- and heart.
T, My dearest, sweetest fellow pain-lady, lover of children, mother, grandma, GREAT MOM.......
My heart swelled with emotion as I read your past few posts. You have been going through not only issues with your SCS and the battery, etc., but on top of that, you deal with the regular pain the Stim is there to help cover up.
ANY outside stressors will certainly affect your experience and sensation of your pain. You are such a loving mom, and I TOTALLY get it when it comes to those moments in which we must think of ourselves also in the mix, for without a leader of the family, the mother, the nurturer; if that person is beat down mentally and physically in their own lives, how are we supposed to figure it all out for anyone else, even one of our own? It is heartbreaking. One of the hardest things I have ever had to do also- yet in the end my decision turned out to be one of the most positive learning experiences for both of us. The hardest, heart-wrenching choice, is sometimes the very best thing that we can choose to do for ourselves and our health.
I am praying for the peace from God to come to your son and your family, I ask our Lord to let your son find what God gave him as the true desire of his heart. That he may find where he truly belongs, where his heart belongs.
Miss you lady....
Take the very best care, take it slow, take it easy, and always keep up the good fight that I know you are in every single day.
Gentle Hugs----<3
Thanks so much Theresa for the birthday wishes. I had a great weekend and although I worked on my actual bday...all is well. I've been so extremely busy I haven't really had time to read blogs much less write my own. Two weeks straight with something everyday. Didn't even get a nap on Sunday and you know I love my Sunday naps. I'm so tired I can barely move one foot in front of the other. However my moaning and groaning is not why I stopped by. Just wanted to say I've been thinking of you and praying for your family. There is nothing like emotional stress to just drain the life out of you. Peace peace, wonderful peace coming down from the father above. I wish I could run to the beach too. Love you friend.
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