Here she is the "Birthday Girl". A daughter, a sister, a granddaughter, a niece, a wife, a mother & an aunt. My first born, my baby girl, my Golden (band) girl and my friend. She's as good at one role as another. 30 years ago tomorrow she came into this world at 7 pm at night. It was a Friday. Not just any Friday, but Good Friday. We went home from the hospital on Easter Sunday. I've never really paid attention to how many times her birthday fell on Good Friday again but it's always on April Fools Day! I can't believe it was 30 years ago.
A daughter, Good Friday April 1, 1983 |
An Aunt |
A Sister 1988 |
Easter 1987 |
A niece 1987
A friend and fellow Golden Band member |
Granddaughter |
A wife |
B with my brother when he was 13 and she was 4.
The Golden Band Girl at TigerRama 2002
October 7, 2006
with her grandparents on her wedding day.
A Mother |
A Friend |
The picture of us together was at her surprise party last night at her home. She came in from taking family portraits at their church before and after the Easter Service. Another person she portrays, a leader in her church to many. She was tired but still had her smiling face on and had a great time. So did P, the life of the party!
Fork in each hand |
helping daddy put on the candles |
Today I went to the service at her church so I could be with my both of my children and my son in law and grandson. A beautiful service. Great Worship! After B had to get back to those family portraits so she didn't get to see P hunt his eggs but I took plenty pictures for her and she.....had a friend take a family portrait for me :-)
Worship |
Always so happy and smiling |
Easter Sunday 2013 |
It was so hard to keep this post to a minimum because I continue to think of things that make me so proud of my girl. Can't wait to see what she has done by age 40 he he.
Watch out for those April Fools day pranks tomorrow and Happy Birthday to the greatest daughter a mother could ask for. I Love you forever.
It is likely your boy possesses a measure of competitive and adventuresome spirit. If you as a parent understand and respond to this nature, both you and your son will be more in sync.
Dr. James Dobson, Bringing Up Boys
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