This program I'm doing is based on 2000 calorie a day but it also tracks points for you also if you doing it that way. I decided I'd just stick with the calorie counting for a couple of weeks to see how it goes. Funny thing is I went over my points every day but one. I feel like I get less food this way than on weight watchers so thats odd if you ask me.
So here I am at a week. Half a pound. I'm ok with that because I lost half an inch in my waist. (my bigger concern) All the new things I bought after loosing 17 last year were looking and feeling to tight. This is also bad for the hives. I'm not going to let the scale drive me crazy like last time. As long as I feel different and healthier I'm happy.
I scared myself a little this past week end. I noticed a spot on my leg last Thursday. I was shaving. No doubt for me that it was not there just a few days ago. It's really hard for me to see clearly past my thigh. It's about two inches off to the side of my shin bone about half way down. I simply can't ben over that far. My dermatologist said, "watch for changes, or anything new". Of course I thought the worst. To me it looked like my previous melanoma but not raised. I decided not to worry myself about it and just have it checked. Heck, that's what I have health insurance for.
before |
after freezing today...a little sore |
As he walked in the exam room he said to his nurse, "I don't think we can see her today wearing those Auburn colors!" ( an orange top and navy skirt ) You have to know him, he is such a jokester. I told him I felt silly because the nurse already told me it was ok. He assured me I was not "silly" but "smart". Waiting and watching is silly he told me. 99% sure not a melanoma lesion but I can't recall exactly what he did call it. He froze it and said it should form a scab and come off. If it doesn't then I need to go back. Woo hoo, NO needles, lancing or cutting like last time. Glad I went. One less worry. I've have a lot of others though. Which is why I had to dash off to my next appointment.
I had my therapy session with LL after my dermatologist appointment. We had plenty to talk about. I just wish I could figure out the answers like she does on my own. The good news ( if you can call this good) I've maxed out my co pay so for the rest of the year I don't have to pay anything for doctor visits. I had cut back to every other week so I may return to once a week until the end of the year. On Friday I have my 3 month with the PM doctor. Nothing to tell there. It's just mandatory. Not like he can fix anything. I sure wish he could explain those 4 weeks of pain on top of "normal pain". Thank goodness it's settled.
My granddaughter came to visit this week end. I feel so guilty because we didn't do much. She's content with that. The child spends a lot of time in the car so I guess when she makes it here she's happy to stay put. We left the house one time to go to the $Tree. With an agenda. 1)To get these cookies that her and P love from there. Nonna was out at home. This is the one thing I wish I didn't have around here. I couldn't let her eat the entire package. 2) To get her mommy and her maw maw a gift. When she realized I didn't have these special cookies and we decided to go she asked to get them a gift. You see she brought me a gift she picked out "just for me" and she knew I'd love it. A special flower with lady bugs on it's leaf tips. They wave at you as soon as the sun comes up. Well, guess what? She picked for her home in Ville Platte? The same thing. LOL. I thought it was so cute. I asked if she was sure thats what she wanted for Maw Maw and mommy and she said, "yes Nonna, I love it. It's so pretty". Guess mine was to. Such a sweetheart <3
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Mastering a puzzle of the US of America |
Having dinner with some friends tonight. I'm going to try and not blow my diet. I don't do this often, so what the heck? I may just have myself a drink...or maybe two?
Good night to all. Living with H.O.P.E. Theresa
1 comment:
I'm glad to see things are going well for you. I wish I could say the same. I found out Monday I have 3 bulging discs in my neck so I guess the DDD is crawling up my spine. My dr gave me an epidural and we are going to wait for two weeks and see if it helps. My arms have been going dead on me and turning my head has been difficult. Wish me luck with the shots. I am in VA visiting hubbys family and hanging out. Pretty boring vacation but at least I'm not stuck at home.
Kiss those grandbabies and keep up the good work!
Gentle hugs,
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