I'm glad to see Monday get here. Some weeks are better than others and last week was one I was glad to see go. Weather changes had me hurting pretty bad and dealing with some difficult issues didn't help. Glad to see at least it didn't effect my weight loss. Two pounds and a grand total of 12. 8 more to go and I'm hoping I can get it done before my 3 months of Weight Watchers online ends. I know I can loose on my own but they have plenty of helpful tools on line.
As I mentioned in previous post Dallas had his little surgery last Wednesday. It turned out to be a big surgery as far as I'm concerned. When I came home from watching C on Thursday he was bleeding and his bruising had doubled in size. I called in of course and after talking with them we agreed to just text in some pictures before moving him around to much and causing more bleeding. After they looked they recommended if I was comfortable waiting until morning the vet that did his surgery would be in and it would be best for her to take a look at him instead of vet there on Thursday. His stitches were still in place and he could stand on his own and drinking so a good sign. Problem was, every time he was up he'd start to leak a little blood. This was not ok for me, a little scary.
the ride home, still groggy |
The way things looked when I arrived home Thursday |
Thursday night was filled with washing, washing and more washing. His bed cover and my guest bedspread and sheets had to be washed. Poor puppy I felt so bad for him. He is normally so active and happy. For him to just lay there and look so pitiful was hard to take. Friday morning I put my plans aside and took him to see the vet. D is always with me when I go. I can't hold him for long and it never fails a lot of big dogs end up coming in when we're there with Dallas. He has "little man" syndrome so thinks he has to boss them around. The vet said he was ok. Stitches still in tact and if we would be leaving home again he may need a cone. OH no, we've done the cone thing before. I wanted to avoid at all costs if possible. I told her we'd keep close eye on him and planned to be home rest of week end.
I gave him a sleepy pill they gave to keep him tired and still so I could go out. I had three stops that had to be made. The pharmacy, (Dr. having me add a new med :-( ) Dollar Tree and Wal Mart. No getting around it. Had to be done. After first two my back was giving out but I had to press on and make it to Wal Mart to get through the week end. I had made a list of goals to accomplish this week end and even with the Dallas issue I felt like I could still get them done, especially knowing we needed to stick around the house. By the time I got out of Wal Mart I was so tired. I got every thing put away and had to lay down just like Dallas and rest awhile. This was how I left him and how he still was when I returned. Glad to see he stayed put.
Never moved. |
Pearly whites. Had his teeth clean while under sedation |
Saturday was a new day and it started with more bleeding and them asking us to bring him in. I saw him coming down the hall with drips of blood following. I had planned to meet my walking buddy at the path so I had to cancel and ride to the vet instead. Thank goodness D was with me this time. They took same of blood to compare to pre surgery blood work and make sure he hadn't lost to much. It looked ok and stitches still fine. He just has to take it easy they told us. What? He is. All he did was come out of his kennel to walk to bed in living room. Personally, I think he needed more stitches, but what do I know? They offered to keep him there but was ok with us taking him back home as long as we would be there to keep him down. Meaning sleepy pills a few more days so he could heal and leave it alone.
Saturday |
Not much done |
After returning from vet I hurried and started the pot of red beans and rode my recumbent bike since the walk was a wash. I had a friend coming later to enjoy some relaxing int the pool. That we did, just lounging around talking about what else? What mothers love to talk about most. Our kids and grandkids. The water was a little cool but once in it was fine. We spent a couple of hours and before she left was nursing Dallas with me. He had gotten up while we were outside and his gauze and ace bandage was off. We got him stable and still again. After she left I was starting to feel the activities of the day. I chilled a bit then started putting beans in containers. A couple for P or A when visiting and the rest for my son. I went ahead and text him to let him know I had cooked them. Wasn't expecting to hear back anytime soon but received an immediate response. I'm hungry, wish I could come now but don't have any gas. Riding on "E" and need to have that bit to get to work. Oh my, kid how do you live like this? I told him to come eat so he could bring some home and I'd help him with a bit of gas to get back home and to work on Sunday.
Turned out to be a nice visit with him. He ate two bowls of red beans and had an opportunity to face time with his daughter. I'm sure that was worth more than the food to him. After he left I fell on the couch with my hubby exhausted. He asked if I was going to work on P's blanket? You saw my list huh? I got it out and put a heat pack on my back and decided if I got one side done that was accomplishment so I could scratch anyway. That I did and was ready to cry when I tied last one on first side and come up with an extra. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? I wanted to cry. ( I did a little, a a lot of fussing) I know D felt sorry for me because he helped me untie until both of our fingers hurt. So that's how the blanket went back in closet. Just like it was when I pulled it out. :-( I've done 3 of these and never made this mistake. IDK what happened. Too tired I guess.
Sunday Dallas seemed to be doing better. We still kept him resting. He only got up to eat and drink and of course outside a couple of times. I had a lot of stomach issues Sunday morning. The doctor lowered my dose on the Viibryd and added another with it since she lowered that one. It's working good but side effects at higher dose won't go away. I didn't agree the first two times she asked but decided to go ahead and try this go around. I wanted to try and go to walk path since Saturday didn't work out but as I headed that way it only got worse and I turned around in the parking lot and came back home. I went outside to help D with some outside chores. Not many I can do. The filter on pool has a gauge on it to tell you when to clean. It's been two months and hardly moved so I wanted to see how it looked. Oh my, it was terrible. No wonder our pool is spotless all the time. The system picks up everything. D set me up to do bottom level after I was finished with top. It took about an hour. You had to get every nook and cranny. Just when I thought I was finished I'd find more. No way we're letting it go that long next time. For now, it's sparkling clean. I felt so helpful!
before |
Sorry I'm being so talkative. I wrote a post last night that was much shorter. Just about D and today I was going to share WW"'s and other stuff but Blogger for some reason wasn't working. I had given up and typed on my phone...very tedious I have you know. Saved as draft and was going to post this am thinking it would all be working then. It was gone...of in internet land somewhere. Oh well, so I started over and just combined it all. I'm sure I've lost a few of you!
After the pool filter was clean I started on cooking the dressing and prepping for my lunch too. I cut some extra's for a dish for dinner this week. The less steps I have to do at once the better for me. D was cooking him self a pot of red beans. Yes, we cook different pots of beans. They aren't anything a like. He'll eat mine, but I won't eat his..lol.
I love the color of veggies. |
a full stove, something you hardly see at my house |
Hang in there....I'm almost done. After cooking and eating lunch together with D while watching the losing Saints I rested for some time. After I made my self sit in a chair and finish the painting. I love painting. I just absolutely hate sitting for any period of time.
I finished though. All it needs is a finish of mod podge and completely done! So turns out my list wasn't a complete failure. Only my baby boy's blanket was a flop. Nonna will get it done. I have 4 weeks left. You may be laughing but I need that long. I'll show the painting in next post.
better |
Around five I decided to try the walk again. Round two of pain medicine had kicked in and I had a chance to rest my tired bones awhile so I pushed my self to do it and felt better in the end. I had a nice long epson soak when I got back. That's when I retired to the couch to blog only to have it disappear. I'll really try to keep it shorter next time. I'm working on a post that's in draft about some of my dearest friends. If it disappears I think I'll scream. Maybe I'll start on paper the good ol fashion way. That seems pretty safe.
Have a great week family, friends, and readers I don't know. Thank you for stopping by. Leave me a comment....makes my day!
The things you take for granted someone else is praying for.
1 comment:
Congrats on your WW success! I'm jealous, but not quite enough to stop making the Nutella Cookies.
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