I know, I bet a lot of you are thinking NASCAR? I think it's absolutely amazing. One day I'd love to go to a race. I understand what you hear on television is nothing like the noise being there in person. I think it's so amazing when they pull in to pit road and their crew change tires, add gas, air whatever it is they need in a matter of seconds. If you've never watched, just watch once to see that!
I'm also charging my battery. This is the longest I've went before charging. I think it's been a little over 2 weeks and I'm just hitting an hour. Tonight I decided to try my belt that allows me to be mobile while charging. I didn't have a lot of faith it would work because even sitting or laying still I loose connection with the IPG sometime, actually a lot. So I'm walking around tonight with this contraption on and D says, "you should always use that, haven't heard you complain once". Guess that means I complain a lot when I do it confined to the bed or couch.
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My try at taking a shot of belt. |
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D, when I'm not ready |
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No reasoning behind this at all! |
Months ago I mentioned I'd give some tips on helpful things after surgery. I'm a little late for some people who have been reading for the SCS information purpose. Sorry :-/
One of the things that ask you not to do for some time and especially the first couple of weeks is to not raise your hands/arms over your head. They recommend button up shirts when you feel up to dressing post surgery. I stayed in my night gown until my one week check with doctor. Speaking of night gown that is aid number one. At the outlet mall I found a button down night gown. Sounds simple enough, but their not easy to find if your looking for one. Even here they had two in store, a short and a knee length, both my size. I bought them both so I'd always have one clean. So easy to just button up and not have to pull over your head.
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Good excuse to have something "pretty" to sleep in |
The next aid that I used plenty, I also had for my first surgery in '09. A chair for the bath tub. At first you can't bath at all until bandage is off and outside stitches or staples removed. Only sponge. Yuck! D attached a shower attachment to my tub so I could sit on chair and at least do better than sponging. I just had to be careful to keep the spray away from bandage. Even when the dressing comes off your still not allowed to sit in bath water for a bit longer. The incisions have to be completely closed. We have a shower, but at first I would loose my balance some and if I didn't want to wash my hair it gave me an option to bath with out struggling to get out of tub. Something I still have trouble with 3.5 months later. I really need a hand rail. As you see in the picture I take an epson soak often. It helps so that's another time I'm needing to get out of that deep tub. Otherwise, I stick to the shower.
Then there is my handy little dust pan that has a handle on it. To be honest I had it before surgery but it was much needed then and still now. Before I had it, I'd sweep up a little pile of trash and call D to come get it in the dust pan for me. This thing is prices less if you have trouble bending over or squatting. Beside it is my handy little grabber. I have two. It's so nice when you're help leaves and you start dropping things and no one around to pick them up for you. I promise you, you drop everything when no one is around. I also had this dandy item from first surgery too. One in the front of house and one in the back. If it's not close, I'm pretty good at picking just about anything with my toes. I also find it very useful to get the clothes out of the dryer. When I'm doing several loads and I don't use it I pay the price and don't forget next time.
Another simple little item I'd add is bendable straws. The first 24 hours are tough. You may not feel like sitting in a chair, especially if you place your battery in the back side. If your having dinner in bed it's so much easier to drink. So remember to pick some of them up.
Chose to skip a picture of the bendable straw. I think you get it. :-D
I received a nice email from a friend in pain. One of the first to contact me when I started blogging. She inspires me so. I'm been following her blog since a few days after I started blogging. Her case is much worse than mine. She was in a terrible accident years ago and her spine was crushed. At some point in her journey, long before I was following, she had a SCS trial. Unfortunately it did not work for her. I'm sharing this because I was so touched by her words in her email to me. I'll just share the start of her email and you'll see why.
Dearest T,
I don't know if you're keeping up on my blog, but I want to thank you for coming into my life, for you had a part in a much larger plan.
That's what it's all about friends. Reaching out without even knowing your helping someone else. All the while I feel so inspired by her courage and strength and she is thanking me. It makes every minute I've spent blogging worth while. I've had a few others reach out too but we've had more exchanges of communication via email. Sharing a bit of additional information.
My grandson came to hang with Nonna and Poppa while mom and dad went to the movies last night. Poppa was in the pool when they got here. ( I was on the bed with my feet propped up resting) B and her husband went to the back to see the deck and P decided he wanted to swim with Poppa. So...off his clothes came and in he went. This kid is not shy by any means. He's a country boy, even went to pee behind the shed before getting in the pool. No matter that mom didn't bring a suit. He was perfectly happy swimming in his "Thomas" underwear. lol Gotta love him. Just as his last visit, he kept us laughing the entire time. Something Nonna really needs to do more of. Thank you P. <3
The things you take for granted someone else is praying for
Happy birthday to my son, 26 today. I love you .....where ever you are
Lovvvvvve the shirt you have on in this pic. I know last few days have been rough. I'm praying for you. Think I'll get me one of those dust pans!!!!
Dear Theresa,
OK I am really crying after reading this. Thank you so much for your kindness, openness, and I am beyond happy having you join in the pain sistahs LOL that choose to talk about our struggles and successes!!
Our bond was instant, our live's paths quite similar. The roads may have different names, but we travel in the same direction.
Now stop writing all this wonderful stuff that makes me blubber!! ;)
Friends always,
Hey there & thanks so much for stopping by my blog. :~) It's kinda cool to know someone with the same SCS I have!
As for charging, I have just started taking the paddle & tucking it down inside my pants, then going about my business, rather than trying to use the belt. It never seemed to stay "sync'ed" with me otherwise.
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