Could it be the stress of trying to track down a package thats been lost with the United States Postal system for over a week? It's been to 3 different postal hubs since it arrived in BR. Never mind that there is a link to track it. It says it's being delivered that day and it doesn't come. You check it the next day to see it's somewhere else and the dates been pushed two days later. That day package. Maybe it is the fact that yesterday afternoon I spent 30 minutes on the phone with them and got no where. My package was at a zip code long from here. Or just maybe its the fact that I FINALLY got it today, a watch I was very excited about getting, and the crystal was cracked all the way down the middle. I wonder why? Could it be that it is because it traveled to multiple places before arriving here? So the wait begins again. I emailed the company to see what they will do for me. What ever the reason today has not been a good day emotionally or physically.
I mentioned pushing myself in the pool to do more than physical therapy exercises in the pool. When I changed to this app I'm using it has swimming as cardiovascular unlike Run Keeper that I use for walking and riding my bike. I started bringing the clock out with me and timing my laps and jogging. I was just casually swimming after PT and as soon as I felt a little tired stopping. My PM doctor has assured me that I cannot hurt my stimulator or the appliance I have at L4/L5 fusion site. I can bring on pain but will not do any damage to my back. At lease not any that is already there and continues to get worse. There is no stopping it. I can make it worse by stop moving and I'd be bed ridden in a short amount of time. I refuse to let that happen.
I started out 8-10 minutes of continuous swimming and now up to 15 minutes. I did 20 once! So I won't say I can't do that yet because it was very difficult. I started with 10 minutes of jogging and slowly each week adding minutes. I can now do 30 if I am not going to swim. My usual routine is to do 15 of each. I do change it up some time though. If my back is hurting too bad I may only swim laps and no jogging.
Between my update with Mr. R and increasing my swim time I'm now down from 3 pain pills a day to 2. In between each of those doses I needed 4 liquid jell Advil. I've cut back to 3 twice a day. I think some of my blues today came from being in the water this morning thinking about the short time I have left to be in the pool. I rarely swim in the am during the week. I like for D to be home when I am lap swimming since I'm clueless to anything going on around me for a period of time. I use a plug in one ear that gives me trouble and with the swim cap I don't hear much unless it's pretty loud. D has startled me on occasion trying to get my attention while swimming. My appointment with my therapist wasn't until 11 and I was up at 7 so I decided to give it a try. I'm really thrilled about it this evening that I'm done with that part of my day already.
Sunday my time with this Samsung Galaxy S4 phone is done. It really is an amazing phone. If I didn't have a mac book I'd keep it. The huge screen is great. You can work with multiple windows open, the camera is awesome and many other things. I've come to agree there are more things I like than don't. When it comes to getting pictures and other data onto my computer that is a BIG part I don't like.
Good news about the other survey I told you about. They picked me!! I'm so excited about it. Just in time, it starts on Monday and I have to download an application for my phone by Sunday. I will be doing a study about television programs. I'm not allowed to give to many details until it is over. It lasts for 21 days and I receive $100 reward. Just in time for the "new Iphone", Christmas, P's birthday. Oh my, what will I do with it?
I was blessed to spend time with my grandson on Friday and granddaughter on Saturday. Sharing a couple of my favorite pictures I took. I know most of my friends have seen on Instagram but I have several friends who are not on Instagram and a lot of readers who do not see them there. Besides, who could ever get tired of seeing these cute faces a second time. Even if it is the same picture. I know, I'm prejudice. Soon enough I'll have a new grand baby to show off too :-)

What is Love?
Love delights in giving attention rather than attracting it.
Love finds the element of good and builds on it.
Love does not magnify defects.
Love is a flame that warms but never burns
Love knows how to disagree without becoming disagreeable
Love rejoices at the success of others instead of being envious.
Father James Keller
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