Back to pinterest. Ok, maybe the have a different type of grout than I do. Next....2 cups water, 2 cups vinegar and 3 tablespoons of baking soda. Turns out I felt like a scientist in a lab doing an experiment. Water, vinegar fine then I put first of 3 tablespoons of baking soda. Number one went it fine but when I added the second it was like an explosion. It came bubbling over the 4 cup measuring cup I was using and all over the counter. I don't remember it saying it would do this. After this experience I had two cups of liquid left. I tried it anyway. I won't bore you with the instructions this time just tell you end result. NOTHING.
Back to pinterest 3rd time. Now I see a lot of pins using just baking soda and bleach. 3/4 cups bs and enough bleach to make a paste. This looked like it would work. D was hanging around by this time being curious. "why don't you just try using straight bleach?" he asked me. Um, would you like to take over this project? I'll let you at anytime. Needless to say that was a waste also. Nothing at all. Then I tried D's idea of straight bleach. A few areas got a little lighter. Even with D's elbow grease it didn't budge. Geez what a stubborn stain. When I want to get something done I'm determined.
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No luck at all on the counter top. Hate to say I told you so, but I did. Just because I don't give up easy I decided to see if it made a difference on the floor. I've never even dreamed of getting that cleaned. Not by me anyway, maybe a professional. I picked one of the worst areas in case it worked I'd be thrilled to have an area looking good. (dreamer) Once I had filled with distilled water and waited for it to say GO I got started. The second I started I immediately say brown liquid coming up on both sides of the grout. What? This can't be. What's the difference? I kept going until I ran out of steam. Me and the Bissell. I couldn't believe it. I took some pictures but they just don't do it justice.
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I've had my spinal cord stimulator for 2 1/2 months. None of the programs are helping my neck and back problems. Every time I turn it on, both hands feel like thousands of pin pricks are there. Last week, the PM Dr. sent me to the hospital to have X-rays made of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar regions. His nurse practitioner saw me on Fri. and said, "Now I see why you are hurting so much!" My Dr. wasn't there, so she talked to another PM Dr. who told her that I am to leave the SCS turned OFF until I meet with the Boston Scientific rep this afternoon. The X-rays showed problems with one of the leads moving where it shouldn't be. I've been complaining for weeks that the pain was agonizing! How can they get that lead back where it belongs without CUTTING me again??? I'm praying that these vain imaginations will leave my mind! TTYL...Martha in Georgia
Hi Martha; I understand how you feel. I've avoiding going because I already know that is what he will want to do, cut again and move the leads around. I have no assurance if we do that things will be different. I to had an x ray to check things out but mine were still in place. With your case and easy for me to say...if things were good in the beginning I think an additional surgery would work. Possible healing not as tough as first time. Where is your battery? Please let me know the out come. Special prayers to you. Theresa
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