Chronic Pain

A 51 year old female living and dealing with lumbar back pain and fibromyalgia. Sharing things I do for relief, reduce stress and control weight gain.

Friday, May 31, 2013

The Test

Somehow it continues to be once a week.  I just don't know where the time goes.  I hope everyone enjoyed their Memorial Day week end.  "The start of summer".  For me, a few days shy of being able to get back in the pool.

Saturday my SIL and son came to help my husband put flooring down in our living room.  We got the carpet, padding and floor tacks out of the way on Friday so it was nice and clean when they showed up to work.  The only thing we had to do was remove the electric plate in the middle of room before starting.

Almost done.
They did an awesome job.  I'm one happy camper to have the carpet gone.  Not sure Dallas likes it to much.  I left at some point during the work to go and get him from the vet.  He had stayed over night for bladder stone surgery.  He did much better than the first time.  He took the vets advise and took it easy a couple of days.  Next Friday he'll get his stitches out.

Sunday I went to meet my granddaughters mothers to pick A up.  She hadn't seen me in a while and was so quite at first.  A few miles down the road she was over that and keeping me company.  The first hour we were home I didn't even know she was here.  She always goes to check on her babies and explore in the play room to see if there have been any changes.  

outside on the deck

Memorial Day

Monday a couple I've been friends with since our children were little came over to visit.  My husband boiled some crawfish and my granddaughter was the entertainment.  My friend had 3 grandchildren so she's used to cutting up with little ones.  Just the time the crawfish were done it started cooling off a little outside.  It won't be long and it be to miserable to eat anything outside.

On Tuesday morning Aunt B and P came to visit for awhile.  P loves the pool and never misses a chance to get in.  A not so thrilled.  She hasn't been around water a lot to she will get more comfortable as she comes back.  We had lunch together and when it was just A and I she was ready to get in and play around.  I was so happy for her she really enjoyed herself  Kind of hard to get a picture when your in the pool without a free hand.

I got in the pool that afternoon with her.  It was so nice to just walk around and do some stretches and even just float around.  The only time the screaming pain in my back takes a back seat.  I could stay in forever.

P with one of A's clips in his hair.

After resting later her and I went to watch P at his tee ball game.  What fun to see 3 and 4 year old trying to be organized. :-)
I promise you if they would have let A out on the field she would have went for it.  She had all the rules and what to do after hearing us tell P a few times.  Then she suddenly became a coach.  (see video on google+)

on first base

Snowball after game

See you soon cuz
Wednesday A and I baked some cookies for my doctor.  Later durning day was my 3 week check.  He said incision looked fine.  Not impressed with the rash all around it and asked me to start putting something on it now that everything seemed closed.  Minor compared to the hives thats been annoying me.  He also gave the ok for walking, swimming and low impact on the recumbent bike.  I haven't tired walking yet but I've been in the pool the last two days.  In there it feels great.  I've been sore everywhere especially in my back from new activity but hoping in the long run it will be for the good.

Tonight for the first time I rode my recumbent bike.  It was a world of difference in my battery site.  I couldn't feel a thing.  Of course it's uncomfortable for my back but at least now I don't have the burning pulling, pushing into me with my IPG.  Keeping my fingers crossed it lasts.  I'm so sore everywhere but won't let it stop me.  The more I move the better I'll feel.  I'll be back in tomorrow morning.  

I have a few errands after I spend some time swimming in the morning tomorrow then I have a wedding to go to tomorrow evening.  Saturday I plan to just relax and hang out by the pool.  It's been a long busy week end for me.  My husband is spending some time with some college friends so I plan to spend some time with my friends here. 

Donna, hope your enjoying your the rest of your trip.  Are you taking advantage of the pool there?

Janet, hang in there.  It's finally time.  I want to know how your doing as soon as you feel up to typing.  Take care and listen to your doctor.  Let me know if I can help in any way.  Surgery day is not to bad but the next 24 hours after are the hardest then it gets better each day after that.  

God Bess everyone

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Week 2 (second time around)

Hello's hot here. I really had no idea a week had gone by since I last blogged.  I've been pretty busy for a person recovering from surgery two weeks ago.  While on that subject I'll say things are really going well.  On Monday I had to see my primary care doctor and I had her take a look at my incision.  My husband had taken off the strips that the surgeon put on at my one week check and I wanted an opinion since I was there anyway.  I was concerned about a couple of areas.   She said the "little black" areas I was concerned about was simply scab and also glue.  

I met up with Mr. R yesterday to pick up my new battery charger and work on a new program.
We took forever to connect because he has been traveling for work a lot.  I told him just find me one to work better and I'm out of here.  I was feeling horrible.  We were able to get something in 30 minutes and I went straight back home. He asked me first thing when I saw him yesterday how did the new battery feel?  Great I told him.  As soon as the incision soreness is gone I won't even know it is there.  Unless I touch the incision or roll over on it at night, I don't even feel the battery.   A huge improvement.  He was thrilled to hear me say that.  I asked him about the "glue" my PC doctor mentioned.  He said they literally use glue (almost like superglue) on the incision.  Next Wednesday I see my PM doctor for one last check so he can release me to be a little more active and let me in the POOL!  That's what I'm looking forward to most.  Also, trying to get back to what exercise I am capable of doing.  

Yesterday made a week I've been fighting a nasty cough keeping me awake at night.  The only symptoms I had were the cough during night and first hour I was up in the am.  I also would loose my voice at night and into the first few hours of being up in the morning then it would return. No sore throat, head ache or fever.   That's what brought me in to see the doctor on Monday.  After no sleep over the week end and all the coughing at night,  I'd had enough.  My chest had started to hurt that morning so I decided I better go ahead and get checked.  I was lucky to get an appointment that afternoon and get checked out.  No infection, all allergy.  Amazing that can make you feel so bad.  A short dose of antibiotic, 5 day Z pac as precautionary.  Cough pearls and Mucinex D.  Both of which I was already using since it started.

Last Friday I finally got that mammogram I've been saying I was going to do.  I was confidant I was a year or two past due.  I was informed the last one was 08.  Boy, was I shocked.  The Woman's Hospital here in BR is new.  It used to be on the side of town we lived on and this new one opened shortly after we moved into this area.  I hadn't been yet so I didn't have the best experience finding where I need to go.  It was pretty busy but I was in and out in 45 minutes.

On Tuesday they gave me a call and asked me to come back for more views of left side.  I wasn't really concerned because the first time I had one they asked me to do that and I let if freak me out and it was nothing.  I understand it's pretty common if they see the least little thing/change they don't take any chances.  They want to see it closer and at a different view.  Monday the doctor and pharmacy, Mr. R on Tuesday, now Wednesday back to Woman's.  

My phone had stopped working on Tuesday.  No audio at all so I decided to go ahead an schedule an appointment with Apple since I had to go back to town for the additional views at the hospital.  The phone was not repairable and sadly I have two more months to be eligible for a replacement at an "upgrade" cost.  If it would have been 2 weeks I might have considered waiting but two months was to long.  I left Apple with another phone and went to get the additional views at the hospital.  The radiologist looked at them before i left and they said everything was fine.  They do have a second radiologist view for second opinion and that would be done today.  I think that's a great method. 

The day I heard from the hospital I also heard from my OB/GYN doctor.  I've been seeing him for 29 years.  Since my baby was one.  He asked me to schedule an appointment with a breast specialist no matter what the findings of the additional views.  He said he asks any of his patients with family history have something new show up to do this.  I hung up thinking I'd do it as a second opinion if they found something.  If it's good, I didn't think it was necessary.  I thought about it more after returning home and at the end of the day decided to call and schedule the appointment.  I'm a complaint patient with all my other doctors so why not be complaint with him also.  What's one more appointment?

Today is the first day I haven't been out most of the morning and I've enjoyed being home.  A lot of friends/family have asked me about this surgery working and is my back better?  This surgery was to fix one thing only.  The battery I had was to big for me to start and after it moved positions it had become very uncomfortable and I was having trouble charging due to the shift in position.  I agreed to the surgery because the back pain was enough.  Dealing with the battery issue really was starting to make me feel like I had made a huge mistake having the implant done last year.  I had no idea I'd add pain.  The plan was to reduce it.   The first half of the year that plan worked.  The second half everything went down hill.  So far the surgery has been a huge success but no changes for the back pain.  I do seem to get more relief from the stimulator now that I'm not dealing with the additional pain of the old battery.

Unfortunately I'm still dealing with the hives.  I'll go two days max without any then bam the following day their back.  I have two today.  I hope to know one day what causes them to appear but I may never know.  

Last Sunday my husband and I went to my friends home for a family gathering for her sons 30th birthday.  He is same age as my daughter.  We met when her son and my daughter were one but ended up across the street from each other the summer before kindergarten.  We went to his birthday parties as a little boy and they came to my daughters as well.  They caught the bus together together for many years.  When they reached high school age my friend moved to Baton Rouge ( I moved later in BR in 2005) and they went to different high schools.  We still kept in touch though. 

My daughter and grandson came for  awhile also.  My friend asked my daughter to take her picture with her son since she turned 30 in April.  Neither my friend nor I can believe we have a 30 year old.  She also is privileged to be a grandmother.  It was odd seeing our babies, babies play together.   It was a nice afternoon and I enjoyed getting out of the house.  Little did I know then I'd be out the next three days in a row.  

Instagram picture
1988 @ age 5/ 2013@ age 30
Our babies with their babies <3

My friend of 29 years!
Tomorrow Dallas is having surgery to remove bladder stones.  My vet tried a 2 week dose of antibiotic but it didn't clear the blood in his urine so they took an x ray to discover the stones. We're hoping this surgery will go much smoother than the one he had last fall.  

My daughter, SIL and P
Mothers Day
Sorry this post is so long.  I just had so much to share with you since last time I wrote.  There was so much to share since I last posted.  My granddaughter's mom graduated from Nursing school.  We're so excited for her.  It's been a long hard road for her but it will now pay off.  She already has a job at the hospital where A was born.  She'll be in the ICU.  Not a place where many rookies land. 

Her pinning ceremony was last Thursday night and Saturday was graduation.  I really hate I had to miss it.  A's grandmother sent a picture from Thursday night and some pictures of the playhouse that Paw Paw G built for her.  She loves to pretend to cook and play house with her dolls so I know many hours of fun she will have there.  I hope to get a picture of graduation so I can share that with you also.  

Great job M....I can't imagine how proud your parents are of and for you.  I hope life gets easier and easier for you from here on out.  You deserve it!

M and A night of pinning ceremony

Having fun in her playhouse
Mommy daughter picnic :-)

I guess I'm carrying on to long now.  I'll save the rest for next post.  

H.O.P. E.


Thursday, May 16, 2013

1 week check (second time around)

What a busy long day!  A friend and sweet little girl came to visit me this morning.  Not only did she bring me my favorite flowers she came in with a little brown box that stayed a mystery until she was gone.  Oh my goodness, when I took a look inside I knew I was in trouble.  2 huge CC cookies, 2 red velvet petit fours and a small round cheese cake.  Bottom layer chocolate.  You know I text her and fussed.  She doesn't read my blog so she hasn't heard my complaining about gaining my lost weight back.  I'm sorry to say I didn't take the first picture.  Of us that is.  I did shoot my flowers after they left though so that's my excuse.   I don't know what's wrong with me.  I never skip pictures of anything.

Meanwhile during my visit with friends our AC man was here doing our spring "ac check up".  I grateful something didn't happen on a Friday evening in LA heat to deal with all week end.  Gosh though, I'd just about had D convinced we could afford to take up this carpet I hate in the living room and put some flooring down.  Delay, gotta have the AC working.  Don't have to have new flooring sadly.   Unfortunately he found several things wrong so we fixed the worst.  He came at 9am and left at exactly 12:45.  My doctor appointment was at 1:15.  Need a good 25 minutes to get there during lunch time.  Paid the man then rushed out the door.

Appointment went well.  My prayer was answered.  Incision looked great, no sign of all of infection.  He took that huge bandage. All that tape was probably aggravating my hives.  He used some type of strips and said they need to stay on until the week end.  If they don't come off on their own by Sunday I'm to take them off.  This means I can take a shower now.  Woo hoo.  No tub, pool, sweating or anything strenuous.  Asked me to come back in two weeks and I'd most likely be released of all those no no's.   I'm going to do my best to continue to follow rules to make this happen.  No setbacks!
you can see how the tape was irritating my skin from the redness
I hope so.  Pool water up to 80.  Getting so close.  It's so hard to look at every day and not be able to get in.  When my friend was here we went outside on patio for about 20 minutes and at 9:30 in May we're already sweating.  I had to come back in.  I know, what do I want?  In LA you don't get warm weather without the humidity.  

My grandson on Mothers day ( curious P )
Nonna & P

I made a stop on the way home and kicked my feet up to read a little while until my husband would be in.  Yesterday I bought the new released copy of Dan Brown's Inferno.  I'm only on chapter 10 but I wish I could just read it all the way through.  I'd definitely be reading right now if not for typing this entry.  This series is incredible.  My husband came in around 45 minutes later and I met him at the back door and stepped into garage discussing our day.  A tall nice looking man stopped by from "no where"  I really didn't see him come up at all.  Any how, he asked if he could show us a shampooing method that was 95% powder and 5% moisture and dries in 25 minutes.  I told him we were looking to take our carpet up in the living room but hey if you understand that and it's free, go ahead.  He called someone and in they appeared with this vacuum and a huge box of all kinds of gadgets.  

can be use like a mop on tile also
To make a very long story short.  A three and a half hour story, they were Kirby sales people.  This vacuum was amazing.  Put my dyson to shame.  Seriously.  She not only demo'd the carpet but my couch, drapes,  pillow, ceramic tile, wall, ceiling fan, ceiling and....the worst my mattress and pillows.  It was absolutely sickening.  She told me not to feel so bad everyones was like that.  OH and she had to explain about how dust mites breed, and how much skin we shed in a year.  All kind of fun facts that I don't doubt for one minute are true but I didn't want to hear about.  Honestly, she didn't tell me anything I didn't already know.  Seriously.  I raised a son with asthma and we lived at the allergists' office.  As you can see there is a large stack of these circles that are made out of 1/8 of the thickness of bag it holds.  Everyone you see in the picture was dirty like that for multiple area she covered in same room.  Living room.
One very small spot for about 30 seconds.  Used the dyson yesterday :-(

The mattress about 10 seconds in one spot
These people stayed in our home from 4:30-8:00.  At 6:00 I told the sweet young girl.  I'm sorry but I'm starving and I have to eat to take my medication.  At this point my back was screaming at me because like a nut I'd been standing 75% of the time she'd been there.  She didn't seem to mind at all if my husband and I heated ourself up something to eat.  I couldn't believe it.  We made a plate a food, sat down and ate while she cleaned my couch.  Are you sure my sofa is leather ok to vacuum?  I asked her what did she expect to see come out of a sofa that wasn't breathable material.  She said, "watch".  ANd I did.  And my jaw was hanging.  Unbelievable.  I'm still dumbfounded.  I think she felt sorry for me because she kept telling me.  Awe your house isn't bad,  We see much worse.   It had a million attachments to do everything you can dream of.  Your gonna love this, you can blow the yard after my husband cuts the grass.  It has an attachment to air up balloons or balls or a mattress.   At one point she said it will do everything but the dishes and mow the lawn.  She's wrong.  It does do everything, but she left out one thing on the don't do list.  LAUNDRY :-)

I was so exhausted when they left.  I have to say they were super nice people.  I did be honest at one point and tell them that I think the vacuum would sell on its on if a customer was in need of one without 3 hours of demonstration.  Seriously.  I'm not sorry at all I gave up my night.  This young girl and I had a very long talk as she had breaks changing parts and hoses at times.  I really believe God wanted us to meet.  This story I will share with you in another blog post.  I really need to try and get some rest now. 

My back side is pretty sore from the big padding they had back there protecting my IPG and incision.  It really feels bare now.  It's good and bad in the same way.  Know what I mean?  I have not had my reprogramming yet.  My reps been hard at work and no time for me this week.  Well, maybe Friday.  He tired to get Lovely to come meet me at my appointment but even she was booked up also.  They must be implanting these things a lot.  He said definitely Friday or Monday.  Really up to me.  It can get crazy in town on Fridays so if my battery looks like I'll make it until Monday I may hold on until then.
I love you guys and so happy you've hung in there with me a year now.  Of course I've picked up many friends a long the way and even had an "old" friend find my blog while just searching for me.  It's crazy what you'll find when you google someone.  After I talked to them I had to try it.  I found myself on pinterest,  google + and my blog.  Also alot of pictures associated with many people with my same first and last name.  My friend had mentioned a few in particular and I asked, "how did you see those?'.  Private means zilch on the internet my friends.  So long and good night.  

HOPE.....Hold on pain ends


When I started this is was Wednesday not Thursday. 

My son, Mothers Day 2013

My daughter

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mothers Day!

Me @ 17 and my mom @ 40

Along with the month of May comes the special day that is the biggest day in restaurant business every where.  A day we celebrate our moms.  Some of have moms to praise and are moms too!  I have friends who have lost their moms and a couple who are like me...lost their father first.  Regardless if their here are not this day is still theirs and they earned it.

As far as my Mothers Day it will be a little different this year.  With the surgery and a family member unexpectedly in the hospital, my husband was out at 6am to go where is family lives to be of some help.  Not without telling me of my "mothers day gift".  Yes, telling me.  It has to be made.  Go ahead and try to guess you never will.  Those of you who know my husband will agree.  Always expect the unexpected with him.  This is one unique gift though.  I will treasure it forever.  You'll see it as soon as I do ;-)

I had much improvement day yesterday.  I didn't give out until 4 in the afternoon.  Not that I did much, but it was a pretty typical day (for me).  As I tired out I started noticing that my arm was itching.  Ah, yes I remember what this familiar itch feels like. My never far away friend the hives.  Yes, hives with an "s"  Before I went to bed there were 3.  

I don't know why but some time there are just there and they itch and feel like stretched skin.  A tightness I can't explain but every so often one of the bunch just really hurts.  It kind of throbs and is warm to the touch.  They some how always seem to appear at the worst time or day.  I'm covered in cream, full of antihistamine and 3 wasn't enough.  I got up with a new one this morning.   I'm hoping they will calm down before my children come to visit me this afternoon.    

the one that hurts and the only one I can show you!
My mom is with my Uncle who I mentioned a few posts ago.  We've exchanged texts earlier this morning and plan to chat later.  She plans to cook him some homemade soup then return to her home and stay there for the night.  I'm sure her animals will be glad to see her.

As I said, I got around a good bit yesterday.  I brought on my back pain and turned on my stimulator.  I wasn't using it unless I had to because I still have to get the charger for it.  This battery requires recharging more often.  Mr. R and I exchanged texts yesterday to set up something to meet.  I need some reprogramming.  Stimulation needs to be moved but he accidentally made my programs 20 seconds on 10 seconds off instead of minutes.   "His bad" he said.  "I'll fix that"  Thank goodness!  Lets fix it sooner vs later.  lol

I've done it, passed the half way mark of my weight loss last year.  As soon as I get ok from Dr to exercise again I'll be all over it but I think it will take a little more than that.  Maybe 3 months of WW's?  We'll see.  I love my new clothes I rewarded myself with so I have to stay in them and that's what works for me.  With this latest flare up (pre surgery) I've for once understood the term "comfort food".

growing some seasonings outside love the smell of fresh parsley
Not helping me get the pounds off!  I love it!

I hope everyone one of my readers that is a mom feels special and loved today!  It's your day, enjoy it and let someone pamper you.  Even if you have to ask for it.  

my Mothers Day breakfast I fixed myself 

H.O.P.E. ( hold on pain ends )

Friday, May 10, 2013

Day 3

Today was better than yesterday.  I last saw the clock at midnight and slept until the awful thunderstorm that hit out area woke me up.  It was actually Dallas I heard crying the the bedroom lit up from the lightening.   This was around 5am.  My husband left for work @ 6 and as soon as I got the text he was safe at work I was able to go back to sleep until 8:30.  When I woke up the second time I wished I had stayed up.  

The left side of my neck and shoulder were cramping and felt strained.   I believe from sleeping that way all night.  I tried my back but I just couldn't tolerate the pressure on my buttock.  As soon as I was up moving around I actually felt better, just as yesterday.  Being up is much better for my incision site/battery area.  Down side, my back pain is exacerbated in this kind of weather so being on my feet created extra pain there.  So I traded off time each way. I washed some clothes and did some ironing I've been putting off.  A some point I made myself lay down for awhile and watch tv.  I had to remind myself I had surgery two days ago.  Your body needs rest after this.  I'm so used to pushing myself to keep going because I'm afraid of what will happen if I give up the fight.

It's a bit personal, but heck you know every thing about me.  I was able to do my sponge bath today.  Thanks to that shower extension my husband put in my big tub.  Last May I had a shower chair which was so helpful but little did I know that I'd need it again so it was returned to my mother.  I've really missed my hot soaks.  They really help me relax before bedtime and help me get moving in the morning.  My week check is next Wednesday.  If everything looks good the bandage will come off and I can take a "normal" shower but still no bath, soaking or swimming until completely healed and closed.  So for now I'm making do with my "half shower" lol.  My hair definitely needs an oil change and I will work on that tomorrow after my partial shower. 

A year ago when I had the SCS implant done some dear friends sent me a  "get well" gardenia bush.  It was so tiny at first and now it's big and thriving.  Ironic that it's been year and now I'm recovering again and their are the first blooms on the gardenia.  I love the smell of gardenias.  

My husband father has been in the hospital for the past several days in the town he lives in approximately an hour and 45 minutes from here.  His two sisters and other family members having been sharing staying with him.  D was asked to come early Sunday and spend the day helping out so they could have a break.  I'm not sure what I'll be doing yet.  I may stay put right here if I don't have a big turn around with the soreness of the incision.  My daughter, SIL and grandson will come here if I'm not up to doing out.   If I am we plan to out to dinner. 

bandage over incision and new battery site

Good Night all.  Donna, so wonderful to hear from you....I'll be in touch
Janet, I wrote a response to you after your last comment.
Thanks to friends and family that have been checking on me.  I'm so blessed!
H.O.P.E.     Theresa

Hold on pain ends

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The day after

I'd like to say I had a good night and day today, but it wouldn't be true.  After finishing  the post I wrote last night (which may have not made any sense because I was in a lot of pain) I tried to lie down and get some sleep.   It was a long night awake and uncomfortable.  I could only lay on my right side.  A tried on my back with a pillow wedged to keep any pressure off of my incision side.  Swelling set in so on and off during the night I tried some ice. 

I finally starting dosing around 2.  At 6 I got up and turned on the news.  4 ibuprofen and 7 am I'm baking blueberry oatmeal muffins. A cup of Hazelnut coffee.  Ah, that helps anything.  Ran the dishwasher, put un a load of clothes and roamed around in my back yard for awhile enjoying the birds, plants and flowers.  And no, I didn't unload the dishwasher....left that for my helping husband. 

Being up was much more comfortable than trying to sit or lay on the couch or bed.  When I did have to sit down I rigged up a way to put something behind my lower back and it kept my lower area to touch anything.  It's hard to explain, but even doing that I could feel the  pressure from the bottom area.  I just made the best of it and got through the day.  It always seems to get worse at night.  Why is that?

Tomorrow is a new day so if I sleep a little more tonight even that will make tomorrow a little better.  The day after surgery is always the hardest to me.  Which means it should get a little easier each day.   If not I'll just have to find some more things to do standing!  I have some ironing I've been putting of for some time now. 

A while back I ordered a glass water bottle what has a reamer on top to add fresh lemon, lime, orange or whatever mixture you want to try.  I drank a full bottle of lemon water first.  Then I had a bottle of lime water.  I put lime or lemon in my water a lot to add some flavor to it.  I don't really care for flavored bottled water.  I've never liked putting the lemon down in my glass.  The built in reamer allows you to keep the water free from germs and pesticides on the skins.  For some reason it always taste better from glass instead of plastic.
Lime water

With drinking lid off

  • Why Lemon Water?
  • Lemon water is a natural detoxifier for your 
  • body
  • Aids in digestion
  • keeps your skin youthful and glowing
  • Freshens your breath
  • Fights colds and infections
  • Aids in weight loss

My new signature:

H.O. P. E. {hold on pain ends}

lemon reamed and lid on

It's over!

I'm so glad today is over with.  I tried to sleep in as late as I could.  It seems forever when you can't have anything to eat or drink.  My husbands coffee smelt so good.  Honesty I wanted water more.  When I fist wake up the first think I do is drink a glass of water.  I always feel dehydrated from no fluids overnight.  Then I dive into the coffee.  

We had to be there at 8:30, surgery time 9:00.  We were home at 12:30.  The lady that checks you and and takes your payment is very sweet.  She knows me.  Every time I'm finished signing a million papers and giving her money I tell her I hope this is the last time I see her.  They are very efficient there.  They always bring me back right on time and some time early.  The nurses get all their work done and if I'm not heading back to the "ice box" it's not because they are up to speed.  Their waiting on the doctor.  

After they brought me back and did the run down on the questions the fun part of starting IV came.  They always have trouble with that.  It usually takes two times.  I had to laugh because D fixed himself another cup of coffee as soon as we were settled in the waiting room they called me back pretty quick.  He brought his coffee along and the nurse working with me fussed at him for drinking it in front of me.  I'm not sure she made him feel bad but she sure tried.  She did well.  Got it in on the first try.  Once that is over I can relax a little.  The most I can, feeling dehydrated, no pain or anxiety medication.
Mr. R came in next to go over a few things with me.  The revision plan and to show me the battery that would replace the one I have.  I've seen it before but it's been some time.  A year ago to be exact.    He told me it's not uncommon for SCS patients to need a "revision" surgery at some point. 

Silver is one I have now.  White one is the one they took out!

Then Dr. G came by to explain again to D and I exactly what his plan was.  He said that he hoped to be able to put a little deeper and with the smaller size everything that was bothering me should be better.   He said being the pocket was already there it should be as tough recovery as the first time.  One incision.  They would not be fooling with the leads at all.  Then back we went.  It's always so cold in the surgery room.  As soon as they positioned me on the table they brought in a warm blanket to drape over my upper back and shoulders.  Man whatever you call that brown stuff the clean you off before is so cold.  I could feel it running everywhere.  Oxygen in the nose and the juice plugged into my hand.  For the longest time I could hear them talking.  I commented in their conversation a few times just to make sure they knew I was WIDE awake.  Apparently he juiced it up a bit more because I heard Dr. G's voice then nothing after that until what seemed like hours I heard a lot of people talking up a storm about anything and everything you could think of.  At one point they apologized for all the talking.  I don't think they had any idea I was awake.  They moved me off the table and onto the rolling bed and brought me to recovery.  As we where wheeling past the clock I noticed it was 10:10.  Doc had told me husband around 30 minutes so we were close.

still shivering
I still couldn't stop shivering after leaving the "ice box" room.  They brought me a few more warm blankets.  No, I didn't put them in that arrangement.  They did!  Of course my husband needed another picture of me.  Mr. R came in to get my stimulator control.  He said they would transfer any programs I wanted or we could just clear and start over when we meet to do some adjustments.  I let him know numbers of the two I use most of the time.  Of course when they wiped everything out and just kept 3-4  the numbers changed.  When I'm feeling up to it I have to go through them to see if any will work for me temporarily.  He forgot I'd need a different charger for the new battery.  Unfortunately it doesn't use the same on as previous battery.  Luckily I shouldn't need it before I see him to get it.  Most likely Monday.  He will be out of town at my one week check next Wednesday.  

The battery I had I only needed to charge once a month.  He said most likely as much as I use it I will probably need to charge once a week.  If things turn out better I'll be happy to charge weekly! Things are going just as the first time.  When Doc came by to talk to me before they released me he asked how I was feeling.  I told him pretty good.  Couldn't feel anything.  Not even any back pain.  He said it should feel that way a while but not to over do it because I wasn't feeling to bad at the moment.  He said he was able to put it deeper so I would have some soreness from that.  If he went any farther he was afraid the paddle would make a connection with the battery.  He also mentioned some sort of tie or anchor that was behind the battery that was possibly causing some of my discomfort.  He moved it out of the way and hopes that will make a difference also.

When we got home I did a few things and of course had that cup of coffee even though it was past lunch.  Then I decided to lye down a while.  I was still feeling pretty comfortable but knew at some point it would hit me.  I actually drifted of for about 45 minutes which is so unusual for me.  I heard Dallas barking and then heard my daughters voice.  She stopped by to check on me.  We had a nice visit and I had a "late" lunch while we caught up on some things.  

After she left I piddled around doing some easy things that didn't require any straining, bending, or squatting.   I had a salad later on around 6:45 and it was very obvious that the numbing medicine they used at surgery site had worn off.  I took 4 ibuprofen and it just continue to get worse.  Throbbing and very uncomfortable to walk.  I couldn't believe how drastic the change was from several hours ago.  
At  9 pm  I started with some ice on and off but that is very uncomfortable to have touching me but I know it will probably help so trying to suck it up.  It's now after 11 and I don't know how in the world I will sleep.  I took some pain medicine at 9 but haven't felt any difference yet.  Not very confidant I will sleep any tonight.  If it goes like last time the next day was worse but every day after that it started to get a little better each day.  Lets hope thats what happens again.  

I got a lot of texts this morning from friends and family wishing me well.  Thank you all.  My grandson prayed for me last night and my granddaughter this morning.  I truly feel blessed to have so much support.  I'm off to see if I can tolerate another round of ice before trying to get comfortable in bed and get some sleep.  Sleep is so important in getting better.  I'll be around home for sure the next few days so I'll have an update soon.  


"Before you act, listen.
Before you react, think.
Before you spend, earn.
Before you criticize, wait.
Before you pray, forgive.
Before you quit, try"

                           Ernest Hemingway

D when take him tomorrow na,.