Chronic Pain

A 51 year old female living and dealing with lumbar back pain and fibromyalgia. Sharing things I do for relief, reduce stress and control weight gain.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The day before

It's the day before leaving.  My list had 5 stops and I was determined to make all despite another terrible night.  Not sure I mentioned I have chronic hives also.  For the last three years.  Many people have asked is it related to your back?  Don't know.  I do know for sure they started about two months before my surgery in '09.  A lot of friends and family was thinking it was something they had me taking after surgery but they were there before.
More on that later.

I got about 4 hours sleep last night.  A couple of the areas of out break were really bothering me and for some reason my elbows were just hurting to the point I couldn't get comfortable and forget about them.  I don't know if people understand what my back pain feels like but my husband has knee pain.  I'm guessing that what my elbows felt like was what his knee felt like?  IDK, for some reason I kept thinking about D and his knee when they were driving me nuts.  So...between my hives and the elbow thing I just couldn't go to sleep.  Last time I saw was 2am.  Alarm set for 8 and when I say "drug" I mean it literally.  I didn't not want to move.

My rheumatologist said some years ago I had beginning stages of fibromyalgia.  I've been hurting in some weird places and all over so I'm starting to believe him.  I can remember the doctor I worked for stating once that fibromyalgia was a diagnosis doctors gave all the "crazies" that they couldn't find anything wrong with but yet they hurt everywhere.  I wanted so bad to say, guess you have a "crazy" working for you the last 6 years.  And btw, my mom is a "CrAzY" too!  

I'm sure if anyone ends up reading this they'll have all kinds of suggestions for the hives.  I promise you, I've tried them all.  Seen the dermatologist, allergist, ENT, and primary doctor for that specific condition.  Lots of detailed tests and blood work.  NOTHING.  I've recently heard it could have something to do with your thyroid?  Not enough time to check into now but after I'm healed from surgery I'm going to check into that.  I did email my GP to ask if my yearly blood work included checking that and she said that in 2011 my TSH was normal. But an article I read on it said there were 4 things besides TSH that had to be checked.  If you google Hives and Thyroid together you get tons of information.  How have I missed this information and why haven't my doctors mentioned.  They can be painful at times.

So I better get back to packing.  I really needed a break to pick my feet up.  Praying I get some sleep tonight so I'll feel better for the ride tomorrow.  My husband is really good about stopping as much as I need to move around.  We have to bring Dallas to doggie day camp first then off we head on our way to Ft. Walton.  I wish my grandkids could be with us I know they'd love playing at the beach.  Maybe one day.  

Hope everyone had a great day and looking forward to the Friday to be here to start their week end. 

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