Chronic Pain

A 51 year old female living and dealing with lumbar back pain and fibromyalgia. Sharing things I do for relief, reduce stress and control weight gain.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Oops, I'm in trouble

So we had a great day.  Hung out around the pool this morning.  I swam 6 laps with those goggles my hubby brought me back to Wal Mart to get.  In the afternoon we went to the beach and it was much busier than yesterday.  After about an hour and a half we suddenly notice everyone leaving.  Like a storm was coming or something.  We turn around and it was so crazy how you couldn't see it at all facing the beach but it was totally black behind us.  I took a couple of pictures if this crazy WiFi here will continue to work for me.  

Last night I had you all up to date to past surgery and 1 year later and guess what? Dumb internet went out.  HA! I lost everything.  Didn't have it in me to retype it all.  And tonight I'm worn out from the swimming, the sun, and I'm nervous as I don't know what because I went to take my anxiety medicine before starting this journal entry and I didn't see any for tonight in my pill case.  Come to think of it I didn't take it this morning either.  OH no, this is not good.  I put all my medicines in the cute little pill cases we all use for the week.  Some how I only put that particular medicine for Friday and Saturday.  IDK how that happened.  I'm really nervous about it because its one of those meds your not supposed to just quit taking suddenly.  I've already left a message at the Dr office but I'm not sure they'll call some in when they know I have some at home.  

I saw some dolphins in the bay this afternoon.  It was so neat to see them swimming around so near to us.  Then you could see others close by.  We've been coming here a lot and I've never seen dolphins in this bay.  D grilled steaks for supper, steamed broccoli and of course baked potato.  Not bad for dinner in.  

Con'ting from last night I had my discography and it confirmed what we suspected.  Even though two were not in good shape it was L4/L5 hurting me.  He sent the letter home with me for the Orthopedic letting him know his findings.  It wasn't to bad.  At the time I thought it was tough but I've been through a lot worse since then.  I went my to see back Dr. with my letter and he said ok, we need to do surgery.  My daughter was with me.  He gave me two options on how he could do it.  He said not every patient is a candidate for both, but I was.  I could have a fusion and  they'd take out the bad disc and replace it with some kind of protein ( I don't remember what its called, not many doctors do it that way.  My daughter knew what it was because she studied it in hygiene school. ) But point is you don't have to have a graft if you have it done that way and it helps the bone fuse together.  There would be rods and screws and a cage and zip me back up and go home 2-3 days later.  The other option was for a disc replacement.  I was healthy other wise so the thought my chances were good for that to work.  I studied about it some and my husband and I thought it was best to do what they had been doing for years.  Fusions were done a long time ago and they had only been doing replacements for the last 10 or so.  

Jumping around like I told you I'd do.  Back on the medicines I just have to add that before my surgery I took a multi vitamin and that was it.  Now, I think I'm up to 6 or 7 Rx's and some over the counter junk for the hives.  

My surgery happened fast.  I was scheduled for mid June and then someone canceled bc of a health issue and they bumped me up and I said ok lets get this over with.  I rushed around for a week preparing and getting all that pre hospital stay junk done and next thing you know I'm having surgery and its over.  Many people told me that I talked to that they woke up from surgery and they knew right away that they were pain free.  Of course they felt the surgery pain but the nagging ol pain that had been around was gone.  Guess what?  I never experienced that.  Tomorrow I'm going to explain that first year and why I'm worse that before surgery.  I'm out of time.  My husband and I want to watch this program coming on and we don't watch to many of the same shows so I promised I'd keep it short tonight.  

God I hope the rest of my trip is not ruined from this medication issue.  Let me see if I can get this picture up and see you tomorrow.

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